Hoist Fitness

Hoist Fitness H4400 4 Stack Multi Gym - New Matte Black Color

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Hoist Fitness H4400 4 Stack Multi Gym

Hoist Fitness H4400 4 Stack Multi Gym- Drawing on 30 years of dynamic innovation, HOIST® has designed multi-station strength training systems to provide the same smooth, natural, quiet motions that have become the HOIST® trademark. Multiple individuals can perform all major exercises found in most health clubs.

The Hoist H4400 Multi gym includes the following 4 stations:

STATION 1 :: Leg Press

STATION 2 :: Adjustable Cable Column

STATION 3 :: Rigid Arm Lat Pulldown

STATION 4 :: Chest Press :: Mid Row :: Leg Extension :: Standing Leg Curl

“The handle and cable changes are quick and easy; and the cable movement is smooth.”
- Liz Neporent - American Council on Exercise

“Weight machines with a sense of style. These machines, which allow users to do everything from chest presses to leg curls, are a hybrid of commercial and consumer machines, making them more rugged than previous home models.”
- Los Angeles Times

"The Customer Service award was presented to Hoist, as dealers cited dramatic improvements in response times for product deliveries and service calls."
- Health & Fitness Business 

"HOIST® Fitness Systems: Twenty years of heavy lifting pays off for local entrepreneurs."
- San Diego Metropolitan Magazine 

"Better Gyms? No sweat. HOIST® Fitness Systems owners found unmet need and filled it"
- San Diego Union Tribune

"HOIST® -- Cadillac of home gyms".
- Sportstyle

Hoist H4400 4 Stack Multi Gym Features:


The Hoist H-4400 has (4) stations in only 68 square feet: leg press, adjustable cable column, rigid arm pull down and chest press/mid row/leg extension/standing leg curl. 


Minimum amount of adjustments required between users. Self-aligning handles automatically adjust throughout the exercise movement to accommodate users of all sizes. Patented range-of-motion adjustment customizes your starting position on the bench press, shoulder press, incline press, and mid row exercises. Patented, self-aligning rollers adjust automatically and provide thigh support.

Easy Glide™

Easy Glide™ inserts for quick, smooth and secure adjustments to eliminate friction and seat post wobble.

Patented Radial Loc®

Patented Radial Loc® weight system with 2.5 lb. incremental weights, weight pin lanyard and (2) 200lb Weight Stacks. This interlocking weight system provides for a tighter fit and less shifting between plates.


Patented rigid arm lat pulldown has wide-open head clearance for safety.

Back Pad

Dual adjusting back pad provides proper body Positioning. 

Leg Extension / Leg Curl Station

Has an integrated cam to prevent resistance drop off at the end of the exercise.



103.00” (262 cm)  


95.00” (241 cm) 


83.50" (212 cm)

Machine Weight

1700 lbs. (771 kg)



Moving Parts

10 Years

10 Years - Paint, Cables & Upholstery

10 Years