Hoist Fitness

Hoist Fitness CF 3165 Commercial Super Flat Incline Decline Bench

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Hoist Fitness CF 3165 Commercial Super Flat Incline Decline Bench

Combining European styling with American engineering, HOIST® takes commercial free weight equipment to a whole new level. The new CF Line features the same aesthetic distinction and durable construction as the popular HOIST ROC-IT™ line.

“The handle and cable changes are quick and easy; and the cable movement is smooth.”
- Liz Neporent - American Council on Exercise

“Weight machines with a sense of style. These machines, which allow users to do everything from chest presses to leg curls, are a hybrid of commercial and consumer machines, making them more rugged than previous home models.”
- Los Angeles Times

"The Customer Service award was presented to Hoist, as dealers cited dramatic improvements in response times for product deliveries and service calls."
- Health & Fitness Business 

"HOIST® Fitness Systems: Twenty years of heavy lifting pays off for local entrepreneurs."
- San Diego Metropolitan Magazine 

"Better Gyms? No sweat. HOIST® Fitness Systems owners found unmet need and filled it"
- San Diego Union Tribune

"HOIST® -- Cadillac of home gyms".
- Sportstyle


Hoist CF 3165 Commercial Super Flat Incline Decline Bench Specifications:

Back Pad Positions:

7 back pad positions adjust from -15º to 80º for flat, incline and decline bench exercises.

Roller Pads

Self-aligning roller pads provide leg support during exercises.

Gas-Shock Assisted Seat

Easily adjusts into 5 seat positions for varying user heights 


Integrated hand grip and wheels provide tilt ‘n roll capability for easy storage.

Maximum Weight Capacity

1,000 lbs. (454 kg)

Frame Colors

Textured White & Platinum.

Upholstery Color

Standard Upholstery colors: Dove Gray, Slate Gray, Black, American Beauty Red and Blue Jay.









Machine Weight

125 lbs.  




Lifetime. Warranty for the lifetime of the product and applies to defects from the manufacturer only.

Moving Parts

5 Years. Applies to defects from the manufacturer only.

Paint, Cables & Upholstery

1 Year. Applies to defects from the manufacturer only.

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  • Product rating is 5 of 5" 5

    Posted by Z on August 8th 2021

    It is really well made. It's really great! Thanks!